Remote Closing Academy

Cold Calling Scripts: How to Sell Anything to Anyone With This Sales Call Template

cold calling scripts

You pick up the phone, take a deep breath, and dial the prospect’s number. 

As the phone rings, your nerves build up inside you. 

“Will they even pick up?”

Suddenly, a voice on the other end! 

This is your opportunity to leave a lasting impression, but how do you avoid sounding like another sleazy salesperson?

If you’ve ever stumbled over words, struggled to find common ground, or felt like you were pushing your product onto someone, you’re not alone. 

Cold calling can be tricky, especially when you’re trying to strike the right balance between persuasiveness and building a genuine connection with the prospect.

But there’s good news: traditional cold calling methods that focus on pitching the product from the get-go are no longer effective. 

Customers are tired of feeling like just another sales target. They want personalized experiences, authentic conversations, and solutions tailored to their needs.

In this blog, we’ll show you a game-changing sales call script that will help you sell anything to anyone without feeling pushy. We’ll walk you through our needs-based selling framework with script examples for each step.

Let’s get started. 

What Is a Cold Call?

Simply put, a cold call is made to a potential customer who has yet to show any prior interest or connection with your business. 

You might wonder, “Why bother with cold calls?” 

They are essential in the world of sales because they offer a direct and personal approach to reaching potential customers and introducing your product or service.

Sure, it might sound nerve-wracking at first, but once you get the hang of it, cold calling can be your secret weapon to expanding your customer base and boosting sales.

Essential Elements of a Cold Call

Now, let’s talk about the key ingredients that make a cold call effective:

  • Confidence: Confidence is the name of the game. When you’re confident, prospects are more likely to trust you and listen to your words. 
  • Preparation:  It’s crucial to do your homework before dialing those numbers. Know your prospect, their pain points, and how your product or service can help them. Being prepared will make the conversation smoother and more productive.
  • Personalization: No one wants to feel like just another name on your list. Personalize your approach and show genuine interest in your prospect’s needs. Building a connection is the first step to winning them over.
  • Focus on the Customer: The spotlight should be on your prospect, not your product. Listen actively, ask questions, and understand their challenges. By focusing on their needs, you’ll be better equipped to offer the perfect solution.
  • Clear Communication: Keep it simple! Use clear and concise language to avoid confusion. Nobody likes a jargon-filled monologue that leaves them scratching their heads.
  • Resilience: Let’s face it: not every call will end with a sale, and that’s okay. Rejection is part of the game. But don’t be disheartened. Stay resilient, learn from each call, and keep improving your approach.

So, there you have it—the ABCs of cold calling! It might seem daunting at first, but with practice and the right mindset, you’ll make those cold calls like a pro in no time!

What Makes a Great Cold Calling Script? 

A great cold calling script can be a game-changer, while a bad one… 

…well, let’s just say it won’t get you very far.

So, what sets apart the best cold calling scripts from bad ones? The answer is simple: a customer-centric approach. It’s all about putting the spotlight on your potential customers and showing genuine interest in their needs.

In excellent cold calling scripts, the magic lies in asking the right questions about your prospect’s world. Dive deep into understanding the challenges they face, their goals, and how they want to reach them. This will make all the difference.

On the flip side, a bad cold call template often revolves around you and your product. 

Picture this: the prospect on the other end of the line gets bombarded with a never-ending monologue about your company’s achievements and the amazing features of your product. 


Here’s the deal: people are interested in solutions to their problems, not a sales pitch. So, avoid the trap of talking too much about yourself and what you’re offering. Instead, shift the focus to the prospect and their unique needs.

The real magic of a great cold call template lies in building a genuine connection with your prospect. Remember, you’re not just another salesperson: you’re a problem solver!

So, there you have it—the secret to creating a fantastic cold-calling script. Keep it customer-centric, skip the monologue, and focus on building real connections.

Our Needs-Based Selling Framework (w/ Templates) to Help You Close Any Cold Call

Step#1: Introduce Yourself

When you hop on a cold call, your prospect doesn’t know you yet.

So the first thing you should do is introduce yourself and the company that you’re working for. This will give your prospect an immediate idea of what the call is for.

Here is a fantastic and simple sales script for your introduction:

“Hey, is this [Prospect’s name?]”

“Hey – It’s [your name] from [Your company]. I got your email/number from [Where you got their email/number]. What’s up?

In this part, you also want to establish some rapport. That’s why it’s very important to ask “What’s up?” or “What are you doing?” From there you can branch out the conversation to make it casual.

But, don’t do it for too long. Otherwise, they won’t stick around. After that, proceed to the purpose of the call

“Is now a good time to talk?”

If your prospect says no, you can say this:

“Gotcha, [Prospect’s name]. Can I send you an email so I can follow up with you at your convenience? 

If they also say no, just thank them for their time.

If yes, proceed to the next steps.

The key to this is to make it short and simple. You don’t want to drag the conversation and make it boring for your prospects. 

Step#2: Frame the Call 

Setting the agenda might sound “salesy,” but think about it—what’s the first thing a professional does in a meeting? They state the agenda to keep things focused and productive. 

You don’t need a fancy PowerPoint presentation for this—a casual, conversational approach works wonders. Here’s an excellent example of a sales script for framing the call:

“Got a clean sheet of paper, something to take notes with?”

“Gotcha – so [Your company] works with people that [Your prospect’s pain points]. And from what we’ve researched, you’re a perfect fit. Is that right?

“What I’ve found to work best on these calls is first diving deeper into your challenges, how that’s working right now, and ultimately what you feel are the specific challenges keeping you from moving forward.

Now, once we get some clarity there – if we can help, then I’m more than happy to walk you through that or wherever you wanna go, and if not, we can figure out whatever else is best – I might refer you out to someone we know, give you some homework to work on in the meantime, whatever you need.


That being said… probably our best place to start is telling me what the biggest challenge with [Prospect’s Pain Point] right now… what’s not working at the level it truly could be or that it should?”

The script strikes a perfect balance between being professional and approachable. No stiff jargon or robotic language—just a friendly, helpful vibe.

It’s crystal clear what the call aims to achieve—delving into the prospect’s business, identifying challenges, and finding solutions.

Framing the call sets the stage for a productive conversation, paving the way for meaningful solutions.

Step #3: Gather Important Information 

In this step, we’ll master gathering essential information from your prospects—their needs, goals, and pain points. Understanding your customer inside out is the key to tailoring your pitch and sealing the deal!

Don’t hesitate to ask probing questions that hit the nail on the head. Your goal here is to get to the root of the issue and unearth valuable insights. Trust us; these gems of information will be your secret weapons in crafting the perfect pitch.

You can approach this in two ways: the “Problem First Flow” and the “Goal First Flow.”

The “Problem First Flow” involves identifying the customer’s pain points and challenges. 

On the other hand, the “Goal First Flow” focuses on understanding their dreams and aspirations. 

Choose the approach that works for you, and the best part is there’s no wrong answer! Go with the flow that vibes with your customer.

Of course, you can also cover all bases by asking questions that help you grasp both the problem and the goal. The more clues you gather, the easier it will be to position your product or service as the perfect solution.

Now, let’s take a peek at a brilliant example of a sales script for gathering information:

“What’s the biggest challenge right now? Or what’s not working at the level it truly could be or that it should?

<<probe: “tell me more” “when you say ____, what do you mean, exactly?” >>

Background questions you can ask if necessary:

  • What problem are you solving…
  • For whom are you solving it for…
  • How are you selling it: Price, Acquisition

And here are some quick notes on probing questions that you can use:

  • Tell me more…
  • When you say ____, what do you mean, exactly? 
  • Restate their statement as a question. For example: “…you’re business is giving you… stress?”
  • Why do you say that, though? And why is that important now, though?” 
  • Has that put you in a tough position? In what way, though? 

Step #4: Transition 

Keep your eyes on the prize. It’s all about the customer’s needs, dreams, and aspirations. So resist the temptation to dive headfirst into your pitch.

Instead, take a moment to genuinely understand their desires and concerns.

The not-so-secret secret to sales success: Trust and clear communication are the ingredients that transform a potential customer into a loyal advocate. 

So, be transparent, be honest, and above all, be authentic in your interactions.

Trust is the cornerstone of any successful sales process.

Now, let’s dive into a fantastic example of a sales script for the transition phase:

“Look, I don’t feel like I have any more questions… Is there anything else that you feel like we haven’t covered that I need to know?”

“Well, based on what you told me previously, we can DEFINITELY help…”

Insert Thoughts (Optional)

“That said, Where do you think we should go from here? I can walk you through the entire process A-Z of how we would help you get to [OUTCOME] if you would like? But you tell me where you wanna go.”

By genuinely checking in with your prospect and inviting them to share any remaining concerns, you’re showing that their input matters. And when you follow up with the offer, you can guide them through the process and tailor your assistance to their needs.

This way, you create a smooth transition from understanding their needs to presenting your solution, ensuring a more productive and satisfying conversation. It’s all about building that relationship and making the prospect feel valued.

Step #5: Pitch 

First, you have to give them a high-level promise. Here’s a good script for that:

“Gotcha – so do you still have that pen & pad? 

Great, on your pen and paper – write out 1—>4 with a good bit of space in between them to take notes on each. 1, 2, 3, 4

[wait for them to acknowledge they’ve done this]

Ok – let me preface this by saying that everything I do is all customized on what’s best for the client. For you, specifically, it’s gonna be 4 things. 4 steps for you to go from (CURRENT) to (DESIRED) while (BENEFIT or REMOVING OBJECTION)“

Pillars 1 and 2: The Paradigm Shift

Then, let’s dive into the script to make the customer believe that their problem is solvable:

“Look, when it comes to [desired outcome], here’s the problem: Most people out there in [xyz market] are trying to do [incorrect behavior]… And because of that, they end up [having problem] and ultimately [consequences of that problem]. So instead, what we do is [feature]… Which allows you to [benefit]… And ultimately [benefit of that benefit]. Does that make sense? What’re your thoughts on that?”

Pillars 3 and 4: Future Pacing

Now, you lay out how these pillars will pave the way to a bright future, solving most of their problems! Address any fears that may linger and provide reassurance.

Remember, the pitch isn’t a cookie-cutter affair. Tailor it to each customer’s unique needs and circumstances.

Step #6: Committing Phase 

You’ve delivered a stellar pitch, and the prospect is absolutely buzzing with excitement about your product or service! Now, it’s time to seal the deal.

But remember, don’t rush into this. People want to be absolutely sure they’re making the right decision before parting with their hard-earned money. Make sure they’re on board and fully aligned with the plan. Here’s a script to check with your customer:

“What questions do you have about those four things we covered, specifically?

Cool… how do you feel? How do you feel about the process, specifically?”

If they respond confidently, that’s the green light to move forward.

However, if they sound uncertain or have doubts, show them that you’re truly invested in their success:

“I hear ya and just to be totally clear… what’s really important to me is ALIGNMENT – when you come in and work with us, we’re rolling up the sleeves and getting in the trenches with you on this thing. I mean, our team is ALL IN – so it’s really important to us that you feel GOOD about the process, know what I mean?”

“So just to be 100% clear.. On like a scale of 1-10, 1 being [insert low level] and 10 being [insert high level], where do you feel like you fall exactly?”

If they respond with 9-10 and exude certainty, we’re on the right track!

If they land on 8 or below, delve deeper:

“Gotcha, and I appreciate you being honest about that… just curious, what exactly do you think is keeping you from being an 8, 9, or 10?”

Address any concerns they raise, ask clarifying questions, and re-temper to ensure clarity.

Once you’ve addressed their concerns, it’s time to get back on course:

“Gotcha, so you feel good, no questions… so what’s next? Where do you feel like you wanna go from here?”

If they’re eager to proceed, lead them towards the next steps:

“So you’ll process the investment with me… once we take care of that, what we do is set the baseline. So I’ll give you some homework right away to see where we can get our quickest wins, as well as have you send in your current sales script and pitch for me to review and provide feedback. Most people find that they end up closing at least an additional deal or two a week just from the first call review breakdown. Then from there, we’re ready to rock and roll. Does that sound good?”

Finally, let them know the investment they’ll make:

“…and then the investment to get you to [high-level outcome] is just XXX.

(…and the investment to get you to 20k/m, 240k a year is just 6800).

[Then you shut up and let them talk]”

Step #7: Objection Handling 

Objections can and will pop up, even after delivering the perfect pitch. But objections are just another part of sales. They’re a sign that your customer is actively engaged and interested in what you have to offer.

When faced with an objection, keep your cool and don’t take it personally. Remember, objections aren’t a reflection of you or your product. They’re simply concerns or doubts that your customer has.

Acknowledge and empathize with your customer’s concern. Let them know that you understand where they’re coming from and that their point of view is valued.

Rephrase their objection to show you’re actively listening and understanding their perspective. 

Then, address it directly and confidently. Provide evidence, case studies, or real-life examples to alleviate their concerns and demonstrate the value of your product or service.

If the objection is about the price, reframe the conversation and focus on the incredible value your product brings. Show the customer how your offering can save them time, money, or effort in the long run. Highlight the long-term benefits and return on investment they’ll enjoy.

Now, sometimes, despite your best efforts, an objection might persist. It’s okay to ask for more information to better understand their concerns. Offer to follow up later once they’ve had some time to ponder the solution you’ve presented.

The key is to always maintain respect and keep the conversation going. You’re building a relationship, and objections are a natural part of that process. Be patient and persistent—your dedication will pay off in the end.

Start Closing Your Cold Calls Today 

Now you’ve now gained some serious cold calling skills! 

Feel free to put these techniques and cold call script examples into action. Remember, practice makes perfect, so grab that phone and start dialing! With each call, you’ll grow more confident in handling every situation.

If you’re ready to level up your cold calling game, sign up for our Remote Closing Academy (RCA). This program turns you into a powerhouse closer, no matter the distance. 

Whether you’re just starting out or a seasoned pro, RCA equips you with the knowledge, tools, and support to thrive in today’s sales landscape.

Don’t miss this chance to transform your sales career and shatter your records. Embrace the future of remote sales and become a force in the world of cold calling.

Visit our website and apply for the Remote Closing Academy now. 

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