Remote Closing Academy

How to Handle Objections in Sales Calls: 2 Steps to Handle ANY Objection

how to handle objections in sales calls

You’re on a sales call with a potential customer, you’ve just relayed a near-perfect pitch, and then—

“—I’m interested in your offer, but…”

I’ve been there. Objections are frustrating and can often derail the whole sales call.

How are you supposed to find the right words on the spot when every objection is different? 

In the world of sales, objections are a natural part of the process. They happen often—frustrating—but because they happen often, I’ve developed a two-step process to help you turn any objection into an opportunity. 

So if you’re tired of feeling stuck and want a reliable approach to overcoming sales objections, you’re in for a treat. I’m about to share a two-step process that can handle ANY objection. 

Yes, you heard me right—ANY objection.

Get ready, because this process is going to take your sales game to the next level. 

The Structure of a Sales Call & Where Objections Happen 

A typical sales call has six distinct phases. This structure can help us pinpoint exactly where objections pop up during calls, and more importantly, how to turn those objections into opportunities and close the deal. 

Let’s dive in and explore each phase:

1. Introduction

The introduction phase sets the stage for the entire sales call. 

Think of it as a friendly conversation over a cup of coffee. Take the time to exchange pleasantries and show genuine interest in the person you’re speaking to. 

Building rapport is essential to create a comfortable atmosphere and set the tone for a productive conversation.

Introduce yourself with confidence and enthusiasm: A warm and welcoming introduction goes a long way in making the customer feel valued and heard.

2. Information Gathering

Once the introduction is out of the way, it’s time to gather crucial information about the customer’s needs, pain points, and goals. 

This phase involves asking thoughtful questions and actively listening to the responses. 

Be genuinely curious about their challenges and aspirations to show your genuine interest in their success and unique situation.

Then, listen attentively to what they say. Actively engage in the conversation and make the customer feel heard and understood. 

Pay attention to their tone, body language (if you’re on a face-to-face call), and underlying motivations. This will help you grasp the full picture and uncover any hidden pain points or desires they may have.

For instance, even if a customer is giving you a “yes,” take a look at their body language. Listen to their inflection. Is it really a yes, or is it a no disguised as a yes? 

We’ll touch more on this later, but you only want to move forward if the yes is truly a yes. 

The point is: that the more you understand their situation, the better you’ll be able to tailor your pitch and address their objections.

Take notes during the conversation to ensure you capture key details, then use them to personalize your approach.

3. Transition

This pivotal phase acts as a bridge between understanding the customer’s needs and demonstrating the incredible value your product or service brings.

A smooth transition is key to maintaining the flow of the conversation and capturing the customer’s interest. You want to make this shift feel natural and engaging so they’ll be more receptive to your offer. 

Begin by summarizing the key points you gathered during the information-gathering phase. This reaffirms that you were actively listening and genuinely understanding their needs

This will allow you to establish trust and show the customer that you have their best interests in mind.

Once the groundwork is laid, it’s time to showcase the unique value of your product or service. 

Clearly articulate the benefits and advantages that set your offering apart from your competition, and make sure to tailor your pitch to the customer’s pain points and goals.

4. Pitch

Now we come to the heart of the sales call—the pitch. 

This is your chance to shine and showcase your unique value proposition.

In the pitch phase, your primary goal is to paint a compelling picture of how your offer can solve the customer’s problems and fulfill their needs.  

Start by clearly defining the pain points they shared during the information-gathering phase. Then, demonstrate how your product or service is tailor-made to address those challenges.

Emphasize the key benefits and advantages that make your offer stand out. 

Highlight the features that directly align with the customer’s needs and showcase how they provide a superior solution compared to alternatives. 

Remember, it’s not just about explaining the features of your product or service: it’s about connecting the dots for the customer. 

Show them how your offer will positively impact their lives or businesses. 

You can also use this phase to demonstrate your expertise in the industry. 

Share success stories, case studies, or testimonials to build trust. Establish yourself as a reliable and knowledgeable partner who understands the customer’s challenges and can deliver the desired results.

Encourage them to ask questions and actively participate in the conversation. Show the customer that you are the perfect fit for their needs, and leave them inspired to take the next step.

5. Committing

Once you’ve delivered a captivating pitch, it’s time to guide the potential customer toward committing. 

Take the time to clarify any doubts they may have about your product or service. 

Provide detailed explanations and examples of how your offering can help them. Address any potential obstacles or risks and offer reassurance that you have the expertise and resources to overcome them.

In this phase, it’s important to help the customer double down on the positive outcomes they can achieve by choosing your product or service. 

Maintain an open and transparent dialogue. Be responsive to their concerns and provide honest answers. The more you can address their doubts and build trust, the more likely they will be to commit to your product or service.

6. Objections

Objections: the moment of truth in any sales call. 

This phase is where potential customers express their concerns or reservations. 

But here’s the exciting part: objections provide a golden opportunity to showcase what you do differently and address their specific worries.

Now, let’s talk about the three common sales objections that often arise:

1. Financial Objections

Customers may raise concerns about the price or affordability of your product or service. 

They want to ensure they’re making a wise investment and getting the best value for their money. 

When faced with financial objections, it’s crucial to demonstrate the long-term benefits and return on investment your offering provides.

2. Spouse/Partner Objections

Sometimes, customers need to consult their spouse or partner before making a purchasing decision. 

This objection is not uncommon and shows that the customer values the opinion and involvement of their significant other. 

Acknowledge and respect their need for a joint decision-making process, while highlighting the value your product or service can bring to both their lives. 

You’ll be relying on the prospect to sell the spouse. Think about what information you can equip the prospect with so that they can go home and tell their spouse later.

3. Uncertainty Objections:

Uncertainty objections often stem from a lack of clarity or a fear of the unknown. 

Customers might have reservations about the effectiveness or suitability of your product or service. 

In such cases, address their concerns by providing testimonials, case studies, or offering a trial period. Help them understand the process, alleviate doubts, and build their confidence in your offering.

Remember: objections are not roadblocks, they’re opportunities. 

The objection phase gives you an opportunity to show how your product or service is unique.

By understanding the structure of a sales call and identifying the common objections that arise, you’ll be well-prepared to handle objections effectively and guide the conversation toward a successful close

The Two Steps to Handle Any Sales Objection

Now, the exciting part—the two-step process that can empower you to handle any sales objection. 

Trust me, mastering these steps will give you the confidence to address objections and turn them into opportunities for success.

Step 1: Pace & Tie Down

Imagine this scenario: You’ve just dropped the price during your sales pitch, and your customer responds with, “I need to talk to my spouse/partner about this.” Don’t panic. 

Instead, remain calm and reply with a simple, “No problem.” This response diffuses the sales pressure and shows that you respect their need for a joint decision.

After acknowledging their objection, it’s time to guide the conversation back to the value of your product or service. 

One effective technique is to present a hypothetical situation. You can say something like: 

“For a second, let’s pretend that money is out of the equation. How do you feel about the process specifically? Do you believe it’s what you need to achieve your desired outcome?”

By shifting the focus away from finances, you help the potential customer evaluate the value of your offering beyond the immediate cost. 

If they respond with a “Yes,” it indicates that their objection is primarily related to financial concerns. In this case, you can proceed to the next step (Step 2B) to confirm if it is indeed a financial objection.

But if they respond with a “No” or express uncertainty, you can proceed to the next step (Step 2A) and dig deeper. 

Once they reveal the reason behind their uncertainty, it’s time to isolate that objection and address it directly. 

Step 2A: Handling Uncertainty – Scale of 1 to 10

During the sales process, it’s crucial to emphasize alignment and ensure that your customer feels good about the entire process. Let them know that alignment is essential to you and that your team is fully committed to their success.

To gauge their level of certainty, use a simple question: 

“Money aside, how certain are you that this is the right solution—1 being not certain at all, 10 being 100% certain?” 

Pay attention not only to their numerical response but also to their language and tonality. If they give a confident response and exhibit certainty, it’s a positive sign.

However, if they rate it 8 or below, it shows that there is still some underlying uncertainty. 

Show appreciation for their honesty and inquire further. 

“I appreciate you being honest about that. Just curious, what exactly do you think is holding you back from being an 8, 9, or 10?” 

This question invites them to express their concerns more explicitly, allowing you to address them directly.

Once they articulate their hesitation, isolate that objection and handle it with care. 

By acknowledging and resolving their specific concerns, you demonstrate your commitment to their success and build the trust necessary to move the conversation forward.

Step 2B: Double Tie Down to Confirm the Isolated Objection

Now, clarify if something is preventing them from moving forward with your offer, aside from the objection they have already expressed. 

Take a moment to ask them how they feel about the overall process. Their response, combined with their tonality, will provide valuable insights into their mindset.

If they respond with certainty and exhibit a positive tonality, it’s a strong indicator that you have successfully addressed their objections, and it’s time to move forward confidently. 

However, if they respond with uncertainty, circle back to the concept of alignment.

Reiterate the importance of alignment and emphasize that your primary goal is to ensure they feel good about the entire process. 

By addressing any remaining concerns and aligning their expectations with your offering, you can build the necessary trust to proceed with the deal.

Mastering these two steps takes practice. The more you apply them in your sales calls, the more confident and effective you’ll become in handling objections and guiding customers toward a positive decision.

Try This Two-Step Process to Weather Any Sales Objection 

Now that you know the powerful two-step process to handle any sales objection, you can use them on your sales call. You can close more deals and gain more profit.

Remember: objections are just part of the sales journey. They provide valuable opportunities to showcase your expertise, address concerns, and demonstrate how your offer can make a difference. 

If you’re serious about mastering objection handling and taking your sales skills to the next level, apply to our Remote Closing Academy (RCA). 

We offer comprehensive training and resources to help you become a sales pro. We’ll guide you through practical techniques, real-life scenarios, and advanced strategies to enhance your objection-handling abilities.

Click here to take the first step towards becoming a confident and successful salesperson.

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