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Emotional Selling: The Art of Connecting with Your Customer

Emotional Selling

In today’s world, where attention spans are at an all-time low, businesses face a big challenge—making meaningful connections with customers. 

The competition is tough, and it’s not easy to stand out.

The old way of just talking about product features or price isn’t working well anymore. 

Instead, prospects need to feel something in order to give you their attention.

That’s why it’s critical that you get really, really good at emotional selling. 

In this blog, we’ll explore emotional selling, understand its psychology, and learn how to tell compelling stories. 

Get ready to discover how emotional selling can transform your customer relationships and lead to long-term success.

What is Emotional Selling? 

Emotional selling is about making a connection with customers based on their feelings.

Instead of only talking about the features of a product, or prices, emotional selling is about making a personal connection with something that matters to them.

Why does emotional selling work so well? Emotional selling works well because, scientifically, people buy with their emotions. Even people who think they’re “logical,” use their emotions for decision-making all the time.

When you tap into their deep desires and fears, you can position what you’re selling easily and more effectively.

Here are some examples of emotions you could sell. These 7 deadly sins are universal to humanity:

  • Fear: Addressing worries and providing comfort.
  • Greed: Showing the benefits and value of a product or service.
  • Envy: Creating a desire for what others have experienced.
  • Pride: Building a sense of accomplishment or prestige associated with the product or service.
  • Lust: Creating a strong desire or craving for a product or service.
  • Sloth: Addressing the desire for convenience or ease of use.
  • Wrath: Highlighting pain points or issues the customer may want to resolve.

Understanding these emotions is crucial because they directly impact the decisions customers make.

Fear can make a customer seek solutions, greed can push someone to make a purchase, and envy can create a desire for a product or service—the same as other emotions can trigger the urge for something. 

Recognizing and addressing these emotions helps businesses create a more convincing sales approach.

In the next sections, we’ll explore the role of emotional intelligence in sales, how to craft emotional stories, and practical tips for successful emotional selling. 

The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Sales 

Understanding and responding to customer emotions is crucial in sales.

According to Forbes, emotional intelligence is one of the strongest predictors of success at work.

Emotional intelligence helps sales professionals understand how customers feel, putting themselves in the customer’s shoes. It’s not just about selling a product; it’s about creating a bond with the customer.

When sales professionals connect emotionally with customers, it builds trust and loyalty, making customers happier and more likely to come back. Understanding customer emotions also helps salespeople make sales approaches that fit each customer’s specific needs and concerns.

Crafting Emotional Narratives in Your Sales Pitch 

Crafting emotional narratives is a skill that can significantly impact your sales pitch. Here, we’ll delve into each emotion and how to include them in your arsenal:

1. Fear

  • Talk about the problems your prospect is facing and what will happen if they don’t get the problem solved.
  • Show how your product or service provides a secure solution to a problem that’s worrisome to the prospect.
  • Share real examples to demonstrate how your offering reduces potential risks, making customers feel safe.
  • Showcase user testimonials that highlight how your product alleviated specific fears.
  • Provide statistics or data illustrating the reduced risks and increased security your product offers.
  • Offer a money-back guarantee or a trial period to ease the fear of making a wrong purchase.
  • Provide detailed user guides and FAQs to address potential concerns and uncertainties.


A security software company shares a real incident where their product prevented a major data breach, easing fears and boosting sales.

2. Greed

  • Highlight the benefits and value your product brings.
  • Paint “word-pictures” of specific situations that help your prospect visualize the personal gain (physically or emotionally) they’ll get from your solution.
  • Create urgency by emphasizing limited-time offers, sparking the desire for more.
  • Offer loyalty programs that accumulate exclusive benefits over time.
  • Provide tiered memberships with escalating rewards, encouraging customers to desire higher tiers.
  • Implement a referral program where existing customers earn exclusive benefits by referring new customers.
  • Create VIP events or early access sales for loyal customers, enhancing the desire for exclusive perks.


An exclusive membership club showcases stories of members enjoying VIP experiences, creating a desire for exclusive benefits and attracting new sign-ups.

3. Envy

  • Subtly talk about what it’s like to watch others have the success your prospect wants, while they don’t have it yet.
  • Craft narratives around the positive experiences of others with your product.
  • Use testimonials or success stories to make your product desirable and leave others wanting the same success.
  • Highlight limited-edition products or features that create a sense of exclusivity.
  • Encourage user-generated content showcasing how others get enviable benefits from your product.
  • Highlight user-generated content that showcases customers enjoying your product in enviable settings.
  • Run social media contests encouraging customers to share their experiences, fostering a sense of friendly competition.


A fashion brand features social media posts of customers flaunting their latest designs, creating envy and driving sales.

4. Lust

  • Appeal to customer desires by emphasizing the irresistible qualities of your product.
  • Use descriptive language to evoke sensory experiences related to your offering.
  • Utilize visually appealing and immersive advertising that triggers sensory experiences.
  • Incorporate interactive elements in your marketing materials, allowing customers to virtually experience your product.
  • Collaborate with influencers to create visually appealing content that emphasizes the desirability of your product.
  • Use storytelling in your marketing materials, describing scenarios that evoke desire and longing for your offering.


A gourmet chocolate company describes the luxurious taste and indulgence of their products, creating a desire for more among customers.

5. Sloth

  • Showcase the convenience and ease of use your product provides.
  • Highlight time-saving features, making simplicity a key focus.
  • Do everything you can to reduce the amount of work required for your prospect to buy from you. 
  • Offer step-by-step guides and tutorials that emphasize the simplicity of using your product.
  • Highlight customer reviews praising the ease of integration and setup.
  • Integrate voice-activated features or automation that align with the desire for simplicity and ease.
  • Offer a customer support chatbot for quick and hassle-free assistance.


A meal kit delivery service emphasizes the simplicity of their recipes, appealing to customers seeking convenient and easy-to-make meals.

6. Wrath

  • Talk about unjust problems that make your prospect angry, which your solution can help fix.
  • Use your competitors’ weaknesses in your pitch to make your customer feel frustrated at the idea of using another product and dealing with those weaknesses.
  • Address common customer complaints in your marketing materials and show how your product resolves these issues.
  • Create comparison charts illustrating the superior performance of your product in resolving pain points.
  • Showcase real customer testimonials expressing frustrations with other solutions, then relief and satisfaction after experiencing your solution.


A project management software provider talks about how infuriating it is to deal with a frustrating part of a competitor’s system, and then mentions how their software fixes that problem.

7. Pride

  • Associate your product with a sense of accomplishment or prestige.
  • Help prospects imagine themselves having much higher status in their life, because of your product. 
  • Share achievements/testimonials of customers who used your product, making them proud to be associated with your brand.
  • Create a recognition program for customers who achieve milestones using your product.
  • Encourage customers to share their achievements on social media, creating a community of proud users.
  • Provide digital badges or certificates recognizing customer accomplishments with your product.


A fitness brand highlights customer success stories and transformations, associating their products with personal achievements and fostering pride among customers.

By incorporating these strategies for each emotion into your sales pitch, you can create a compelling message that fully captures your audience’s attention. 

Best Practices for Emotional Sales 

In emotional sales, using certain practices can make your approach better and help you connect more deeply with customers. Let’s look at some important best practices:

Storytelling Techniques

Crafting stories is really important for emotional sales.

  • Share real-life stories that connect with what your audience has experienced.
  • Use characters and situations that people can relate to.
  • Use images or videos that evoke emotions related to your product or service.
  • Use anecdotes that resonate with diverse audience backgrounds, ensuring inclusivity.
  • Employ narrative arcs with relatable challenges and resolutions to maintain engagement.
  • Introduce unexpected twists or surprises in your stories to captivate audience attention.

This personal touch helps create a stronger emotional bond.

Mirror Neurons

Understanding how mirror neurons work is crucial in emotional sales.

This is a wildly helpful bit of anatomy that most people don’t know!

Mirror neurons are in everyone’s brain. They act like emotional mirrors; they reflect the feelings of others. 

This means, when you express genuine emotions yourself, customers’ mirror neurons will fire and they are likely to feel the same emotion.

  • During storytelling, try to create suspense or anguish or excitement within yourself, during times when you want your prospect to have it. The emotion will transfer to the person listening.
  • Incorporate authentic facial expressions and body language in marketing materials.
  • Encourage user-generated content that showcases genuine emotions tied to your product.
  • Implement live events or webinars where real-time emotional connections can be established.

Use this knowledge to make customers share the emotions you want them to feel, creating a shared emotional experience.

Active Listening

Listening actively is a basic but important practice in emotional sales.

  • Show real interest in what customers say, and acknowledge their feelings.
  • Follow up with personalized emails addressing specific points raised by customers.
  • Utilize feedback surveys to show customers that their opinions are valued.
  • Train your sales team to ask open-ended questions, promoting more meaningful conversations.

This shows empathy and helps you adjust your approach based on the customer’s emotions.


Making your sales approach fit each customer is really important.

  • Understand what each customer needs and likes, and change your message accordingly.
  • Implement AI-driven personalization for tailored product recommendations.
  • Send personalized thank-you messages or offers based on individual purchase history.
  • Create customer profiles that reflect their preferences, allowing for more targeted communication.

This personal touch makes customers feel important and strengthens the emotional connection.

Positive Language

The words you use are a big deal in emotional sales.

  • Use positive and uplifting words to create a more hopeful atmosphere.
  • Highlight the good things and positive outcomes related to your product or service, creating enthusiasm.
  • Integrate motivational quotes or affirmations in your marketing materials.
  • Highlight success stories using uplifting language to inspire potential customers.
  • Use language that emphasizes the potential for positive change through your product.

Building Trust

Trust is the base of emotional sales.

  • Be clear, honest, and always consistent when talking to customers.
  • Implement a transparent pricing structure to build trust from the beginning.
  • Provide accessible and clear customer support channels for quick issue resolution.
  • Regularly update customers on any changes or improvements, fostering transparency.

Building trust takes time, but once you have it, it strengthens the emotional connection and leads customers to stay loyal for a long time.

Leveraging Technology to Enhance Emotional Selling 

In the world of emotional selling, technology plays a big role in making stronger connections with customers—especially now that EVERYTHING is online.

So, let’s explore how different digital tools can help improve your emotional selling strategies.

For example: 

CRM Systems

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) systems give useful information about customer interactions. You can keep track of what customers like and do to adjust your approach based on how they feel. Use CRM data to make your communication more personal and build stronger connections.

AI (Artificial Intelligence)

AI can look at a lot of data to find patterns in how customers behave. You can use AI to predict customers’ feelings and preferences, allowing for more personal and proactive interactions. AI automation can also make things more efficient, giving you more time for meaningful conversations.

Digital Tools

Various digital tools can analyze customer sentiment and feedback. Use these tools to understand how customers feel about your brand. Quick adjustments to your emotional selling strategy can be made based on real-time data.

Social Media Platform

Social media is a direct way to connect emotionally with customers. So, use it to the fullest,

Have genuine conversations, respond quickly, and show the human side of your brand. Social listening tools can help you understand customer sentiment and guide your emotional selling approach.

You can also use the power of visuals on social media. Share images and videos that make customers feel something related to your brand. Visual content has a big impact on emotional engagement.

Future Trends in Technology for Emotional Selling

As technology advances, the future holds interesting possibilities for improving emotional selling.

For example, with smart speakers and voice-activated devices becoming more popular, integrating voice recognition technology into emotional selling might make interactions more personal and natural.

Or with AIs and other advanced tech, more advanced predictive analytics with AI may be possible. By looking at past data, predictive analytics can guess how customers might feel and what they like, helping businesses address their needs before they even ask.

Using technology is important to stay ahead in emotional selling. From CRM systems and AI to social media platforms, digital tools offer many ways to understand, respond to, and improve customer emotions.

As technology keeps moving forward, we will see even more creative ways to connect emotionally with customers.

Overcoming Challenges in Emotional Selling 

Navigating emotional selling comes with its set of challenges, but with the right approach, you can turn them into opportunities for building stronger connections with your customers.

Here are some of those problem and how to tackle them simply:

Coming Off Inauthentic

When you first discover the power of emotional selling, it’s easy to try and force emotion in order to try and get the sale. This often is a mistake, because people’s “BS” meters are quite good at telling if you’re faking. When you use emotion, try to be as genuine as possible.

Ignoring Customer Signals

Neglecting to read and respond to customer emotions accurately can lead to misunderstandings. Pay attention to verbal and non-verbal cues, adapting your approach based on the customer’s emotional state.

Being Overly Pushy

Pressuring customers into a sale can work in the short term, but it typically backfires in the medium-to-long term. Create a supportive environment where customers feel comfortable making decisions at their own pace.

Empathy without Over-Identification

While empathy is crucial, it’s essential not to over-identify with the customer’s emotions. Maintain a professional distance while still showing understanding and support.


One common mistake is making promises that can’t be fulfilled. Be realistic in your claims to avoid setting false expectations. It’s better to exceed expectations than to fall short.

Remaining Confident Under Pressure

Emotional situations can arise, and it’s vital to handle them calmly. Take a step back when needed, and approach challenges with a level head. Your confidence speaks volumes about the prospect’s trust in your offering.

Importance of Ethical Practices in Emotional Selling

  • Honesty: Being truthful builds trust. Avoid exaggerations or misleading statements, and be transparent about your products or services.
  • Respecting Boundaries: Understand and respect personal boundaries. Avoid exploiting sensitive personal information or using manipulative tactics to evoke emotions.
  • Long-Term Relationship Focus: Prioritize long-term relationships over short-term gains. Ethical emotional selling aims for sustained customer satisfaction and loyalty.

By learning from typical mistakes, maintaining professionalism, and adhering to ethical practices, you can overcome challenges in emotional selling. 

This not only builds trust but also helps maintain a positive brand image that resonates with your customers. 

The Future of Emotional Selling 

Emotional selling is a game-changer for how you connect with your customers. It creates lasting relationships that lasts a long time.

In today’s competitive business world, emotional selling goes beyond just selling a product. It’s about building a lasting emotional connection with your customers. This connection becomes your foundation of trust and loyalty, creating strong bonds between you and your customers.

The real power of emotional selling is in making your brand more human. It’s not all about buying and selling; it’s about making customers feel important and cared for. Moving from just selling things to making special moments makes customers really like the business and want to support it.

To do well in emotional selling, businesses need to always be ready to learn and change. The world of business changes all the time, and so do what customers like.

Starting this journey means remembering that your business’s heart is all about the feelings it brings out. Use emotional selling into your sales processes, keep learning, and build connections that last.

Begin today for a future where relationships drive long-lasting success. Your customers won’t just buy from you; they’ll believe in your brand.

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