Remote Closing Academy

How to Close a Sales Call: Use This ONE Question to Close Any Call

How to Close a Sales Call

You’re on a sales call, you’ve gone through your pitch, and now comes the pivotal moment—closing the call. 

But, as the seconds tick by, uncertainty creeps in. Will they say yes? 

You’re not sure what the secret is to seal the deal. 

Well, you’re about to uncover that key: a single question that can transform your sales game and make closing calls a breeze. 

In this post, we’re diving deep into a powerful technique that could change how you approach sales calls forever. Get ready to discover the one question that can make all the difference and help you close any sales call like a pro.

Let’s jump in and unlock the secret to closing a sales call with ease.

First…You Need to Memorize This Needs-Based Selling Framework 

Let’s be real: sealing the deal isn’t a walk in the park. 

Persuading potential customers to choose your offering is an ongoing challenge that demands skill and a touch of finesse.

But what if we shared a method that consistently cuts through the noise and gets to the core of your customer’s needs?

Let’s talk about needs-based selling—a strategy that checks all the right boxes.

Instead of the hard sell, it’s all about grasping these needs and tailoring solutions to your prospect.

The needs-based selling framework is made up of 7 steps:

1. Build Rapport

Before diving into the sales pitch, lay the foundation. Show your customers that you’re more than a sales robot. 

When you walk into a store and the salesperson instantly bombards you with all the products they offer…

…it’s annoying, right? They don’t take them time to get to know what you need, first. 

Well, guess what? You’re better than that. You’re not just another sales robot spewing out information. You’re a pro who understands the power of genuine human connection.

Remember, people buy from those they like and trust. 

So, take a few minutes at the beginning of the call to chat about something non-business-related

It could be as simple as asking, “How’s your week been so far?” 

That’s it—you’ve broken the ice!

So, in a nutshell, don’t rush. Take a little time to connect on a personal level. Because when they feel that you care, they’ll be more likely to open up and listen. 

And that is the first step towards a successful sales call.

2. Frame the Call

Setting the stage is vital. 

You want to make sure everyone knows what to expect and where things will go.

This step is about creating clarity and focus. You want your prospect to understand the game plan and feel comfortable moving forward. 

It’s like when you’re having a meeting and someone lays out the agenda. You know the topic at hand, so you can appropriately prepare yourself for what’s to come. 

It’s not just a formality—it’s about ensuring you and the customer are on the same page.

When everyone knows what to expect, the call becomes smoother and more productive.

So take the time to let the customer know what they can expect from the rest of the call (AKA a glimpse at the rest of the steps in this process). 

When they clearly understand what’s happening, they’re more likely to stay engaged during the call, and you won’t catch them off-guard going forward. 

3. Gather Important Information

This is where amateurs and pros part ways. 

Understanding your customer’s needs, goals, and pain points is crucial. Don’t be afraid to ask probing questions that get to the root of the issue. This is where you’ll find the golden nuggets of information that will help you tailor your pitch and close the deal.

One way to approach this is by using our “Problem First Flow” and “Goal First Flow.” 

The Problem First Flow involves identifying the customer’s pain points and challenges right off the bat. 

The Goal First Flow, on the other hand, involves understanding the customer’s goals and aspirations first. 

There’s no wrong answer when it comes to choosing which strategy to use.

Go with the flow that feels right for the customer. 

You can also ask questions that help you understand both the problem and the goal. 

For instance, “What is the biggest challenge you’re currently facing in your business?” or, “What would success look like for you?”

Remember, the more you know about the customer’s needs and goals, the easier it will be to position your product or service as the perfect solution.

4. Transition

This phase is all about creating a bridge of trust between you and your customer. 

Here’s the thing: uncertainties can crop up like little obstacles, and your job during this transition phase is to provide reassurance.

How do you build trust? By giving your customer the steering wheel. Instead of taking over the conversation, invite them to share their thoughts and worries. 

This shows that you’re interested in more than just talking—you’re interested in truly understanding their perspective.

Ask them deeper questions about any goals or issues they’ve brought up.

By acknowledging their concerns and making them a part of the conversation, you’re building a bridge of trust. This makes them more comfortable and willing to continue the journey with you.

Remember, the transition phase is about addressing doubts while nurturing trust. You’re not rushing. You’re making sure your customer feels supported. 

So, take your time, actively listen, and assure them that you’re there to assist. They’ll be more confident about moving forward when they sense your genuine care. 

5. Pitch

We’ve reached the pivotal fifth step: Pitch. 

But remember, the pitch isn’t about flaunting your product—it’s about solving their problem. 

While discussing your product, focus on the transformation it brings. Show them that their problems can be resolved and their goals are within reach.

So, start by making a high-level promise tailored to their specific desires. Make them feel like you’re speaking directly to them and addressing their pain points.

All right, onto the steps of the pitching process:

First, we need a paradigm shift. We need to make the customer believe that their problem can be solved in the first place.

Then, we need to establish a “future pace.” Help the customer visualize how their life will be better once their problem is solved and how your product can help them get there. 

Eliminate their fear of failure as much as possible. Address any concerns they may have and provide reassurance that you’ll be there to help them along the way.

But remember: the pitch is not a one-size-fits-all approach. You should tailor it to each customer’s unique needs and circumstances. 

Get creative and make the pitch personal.

6. Committing Phase

This is when your customer must decide it’s time to proceed. 

So, here’s the approach: instead of only revealing the cost, help them visualize what lies ahead. 

The key here is to showcase not just the expense but the benefits. Portray how your product can improve their business, save them time, or improve their life. 

Remember, this phase isn’t about pushing them into a decision—it’s about letting them know the benefits they can gain through your offer. 

When they can see that the benefits overshadow the costs, they’re more likely to move forward.

So, as the excitement builds, guide them through the path ahead. 

Demonstrate the potential outcomes and help them understand that the decision isn’t just about today but also the future. 

They’ll be more ready to commit to your offering when they understand this.

7. Objection Handling

It’s a common part of the sales process, and it indicates that your potential customer is genuinely engaged.

Think of it like this: when you’re having a conversation, and someone raises a question or concern, it shows they’re paying attention. 

Similarly, objections in a sales call are a sign that the person is interested. 

So, don’t be surprised—be ready to tackle these concerns.

Remain composed, acknowledge their worries, and provide credible evidence to ease any doubts. 

If the issue revolves around the price, don’t panic. Instead, shift the focus to the value they’ll receive.

Consider objection handling as an opportunity to reassure and guide. 

It’s not about forcing them to agree but helping them make a well-informed decision. 

When you handle objections professionally and provide facts, you demonstrate that you genuinely care about solving their issues.

So, when objections arise, stay calm, address the concerns, and emphasize the value they’ll gain. 

By transforming uncertainties into clarity, you’re leading them towards making a confident choice. 

And that’s how you wrap up a sales call on a positive note.

The ONE Question That Can Help You Close Any Sales Call

Now, let’s get to the heart of the matter—the one question that can make a real difference in closing your sales calls. 

It is a powerful tool that can help you understand your potential customer’s needs better. 

Here’s how to use it:

Step 1: Permission

Before you ask the question, ask for permission. Politely ask, “Can I ask you a personal question?” 

This approach lets your prospect know you’re about to touch on something important.

Step 2: Reason Why

If they give you the go-ahead, explain why you’re asking this personal question. 

This provides context and shows that your intentions are in their best interests. 

You might say, “I’m asking this question to better understand your business goals and aspirations.”

Step 3: Question

And now, the pivotal question: “What are the personal goals that you want your business to allow you to achieve?” 

It may seem straightforward, but it holds incredible value. 

This question cuts to the core of your prospect’s desires for their business.

And in the next section, we’ll break down the reason why this questioning framework works wonders.

The Framework Behind the Question & Why It Works 

The framework is called “Permission, Reason Why, Question.” It’s simple, but it leverages a lot of psychology.

The reason this framework works is simple: it shows genuine concern. 

By following this framework, you signal that you’re not just looking for a quick sale—you want to help them reach their goals. This builds trust and rapport, laying a solid foundation for the rest of the conversation.

The magic of this framework lies in its ability to boost compliance, or how willing your prospect is to provide detailed and honest answers. 

Let’s break down how each step contributes to this:

  • Permission: When you ask for permission, you’re subtly encouraging your prospect to participate. This psychological trigger often leads to more open and engaged responses.
  • Reason Why: By offering a reason, you’re being transparent and framing the question as something beneficial for them. This framing encourages compliance.
  • Framing into Their Best Interest: When you explain the reason as being in their best interest, you’re further enhancing compliance. You’re not just asking for the sake of it; you’re asking to assist them.

The key lies in the principle of consistency bias. 

People naturally want to be consistent with what they’ve said. When your prospects express their goals, they’re more likely to stick with them—this principle is deeply rooted in human psychology.

Close Your Calls Now With Our Questioning Framework 

Get started with the “Permission, Reason Why, Question” framework today and enhance your sales approach.

Instead of being pushy and average, shift towards a method centered on empathy and understanding. It’s a stride towards building enduring customer relationships.

By using this technique, you can establish a stronger bond with your prospects and gain deeper insights into their needs.

Imagine a sales call where objections are minimized, your prospect trusts you, and your prospect’s goals are genuinely acknowledged. 

This is what this questioning framework can provide.

Implement this strategy and transform your sales interactions into valuable connections.

Ready to redefine your sales game?

Remote Closing Academy (RCA) can assist you in integrating this framework for greater sales success.

At RCA, you’ll meet like-minded individuals and mentors who are on top of their game. Connect with us, and watch as you rake in those bucks.

Apply to RCA now and elevate your sales game!

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