Remote Closing Academy

How to Close a Sale: The Ultimate Guide to Closing in 2024

How to Close a Sale

Nobody wants to feel like they’re being pressured into making a decision. 

Or worse—that the salesperson only has one end goal in mind:


Your potential customers are looking for solutions to their problems, and they want to feel heard, understood, and respected in the process.

But how do you make them feel all those things?

Sales that end in a rejection are difficult. They don’t just hurt emotionally—they also mean missed opportunities, unmet targets, and the nagging feeling that you could be doing better…

…if only you had the right skill set. 

But the beauty is that each rejection is a learning experience that gets you closer to becoming the amazing closer you’re destined to become.

So, how can you break free from this cycle? 

In this guide, we will dig deep into the closing skills and techniques you need to close your sales calls effectively and professionally. 

Let’s get started. 

What Sales Skills Do You Need to Close a Call?

When it comes to closing sales calls effectively, having the right skills in your toolkit can make all the difference. 

In this section, we’ll dive into the five closing skills to help you close your sales calls without breaking a sweat.

Skill #1: Active Listening

Active listening is the cornerstone of effective sales communication.

It’s not just about hearing your customer…

…it’s about truly understanding their needs, concerns, and desires. 

Instead of rushing to present your pitch, take the time to listen actively.

You can ask open-ended questions to start. Start the conversation by asking questions to let your customers share their thoughts and feelings. 

Questions like:

  •  “What challenges are you facing in your business?” 
  • “What are your goals for this project?” 

Can open the door to valuable insights.

When your customer speaks, resist the urge to interrupt or jump in with your solution. Just listen and let them tell you all of the information you’ll need to tailor a pitch later.  

Skill #2: Empathy

Empathy is the secret to making a regular sales call memorable and meaningful. 

It’s the ability to put yourself in your customer’s shoes and genuinely care about their concerns.

A customer came to you for a reason—to solve a problem. And most of the time, your customer will often be sharing personal and/or difficult information about their situation.

So, demonstrate that you care about your customer as a person, not just as a potential sale. Inquire about their interests, hobbies, and challenges, and make a personal connection.

Be friendly, approachable, and authentic. Customers are more likely to buy from someone they like and trust.

And they’re more likely to trust you if they feel that you’re showing empathy about their situation.

Skill #3: Problem-Solving 

Business is all about solving problems.

Sales is the proof that your business can solve customers’ problems. 

Your customers have needs, and your job is to provide solutions. To do this effectively, you need to be a skilled problem solver.

You need to be able to listen effectively and carefully extract their pain points. Once you’ve identified those challenges, connect the dots back to your product or service and position your product as the solution to their problems.

Dig deep to understand your customer’s needs, goals, and pain points. Ask probing questions to uncover the root of their challenges.

Here’s a few questions you can ask:

  • “Can you walk me through your current process and highlight any pain points you encounter?”
  • “What triggered you to seek a solution for this issue at this particular time?”
  • “How do these challenges affect your day-to-day operations, and what’s the long-term impact on your business?”
  • “Can you share any past experiences or solutions you’ve tried to address this problem?”
  • “What’s your vision of an ideal solution to this challenge?”
  • “Who else in your organization is impacted by this issue, and what are their thoughts on potential solutions?”

Once you grasp their needs, offer insights and solutions to serve their situation. 

And as always, avoid the generic salesy approach so your customers feel heard.

Skill #4: Confidence

Confidence is the glue that holds your sales strategy together. If you believe in your product or service, your customers are more likely to believe in it too.

Do your homework before the call. Research your customer’s needs and challenges to prepare you to address them. 

Confidence comes from knowing your stuff inside and out.

Confidence doesn’t mean pushing your product aggressively. It means believing in its value and providing that value to your customers.

Skill #5: Communicate Clearly

Jargon and stuffy explanations can confuse your customers. 

Keep your language simple and your message clear.

Speak in terms your customers can easily understand. Avoid technical terms(unless you’re sure your customer is familiar with them).

Make it easy for your customers to explain your product or service to others. The clearer your message, the more likely they are to become advocates for your offering.

15 Sales Closing Techniques to Make You an Expert Closer

Closing a sales call doesn’t come from manipulation and aggression. 

It’s about building genuine connections, understanding your customers’ needs, and presenting solutions that make sense to them. 

In this section, we’ll explore 15 closing strategies to elevate your closing game and make you an expert closer.

Tip #1: Be a Consultative Seller

Consultative selling is all about putting the customer’s needs first. 

Instead of just diving into your sales pitch, start by asking questions that reveal the customer’s challenges and goals. 

For instance, ask about their biggest business hurdles or project aspirations.

But once you’ve asked a question, don’t jump in and promote your product. 

Give your customer the space to explain themselves fully. They may tell you more than expected if you give them the chance to do so. 

Once you feel like you have the full picture of their situation, needs, and desired path forward, you can create a closing pitch. 

Tip #2: Do Your Homework

Preparation is key to closing deals effectively. 

Invest time in understanding your customers’ needs, pain points, and desires. 

Here are some important things to research:

  • Industry Insights: Start by gaining a comprehensive understanding of your customer’s industry. This includes staying updated on industry trends, challenges, and opportunities. You want to be fluent in the language and nuances of their field. 
  • Company Background: Research your customer’s company inside and out. Understand their history, mission, and values. Familiarize yourself with their products or services, target market, and recent company news. This knowledge will help you tailor your pitch to align with their company’s goals and values.
  • Pain Points and Challenges: Dive deep into your customer’s pain points and challenges. What keeps them awake at night? What obstacles are hindering their progress? Knowing these pain points intimately allows you to position your product or service as the ultimate solution.
  • Personal Details: If appropriate and relevant, research personal details about the individuals you’ll be interacting with. Look for shared interests, backgrounds, or experiences. Building a personal connection can help establish trust and rapport.
  • Social Media and Online Presence: Investigate your customer’s online presence. Follow their social media accounts, read their blog posts, and check their reviews. This can provide insights into their brand image and customer sentiment.

The better you know your audience, the more equipped you’ll be to tackle objections and excel as a salesperson.

Tip #3: Show That You Care

Never underestimate the power of building a personal connection with your customers. 

Here’s how you can show that you care:

  • Ask Open-Ended Questions: Encourage customers to share their thoughts and feelings by asking open-ended questions. This can lead to more meaningful conversations and help you understand their needs better.
  • Personalized Interactions: Tailor your interactions to each customer. Remember personal details, such as their name, preferences, and past interactions, to make them feel valued and special.
  • Solve Problems with Empathy: When customers face challenges or issues, approach them with empathy. Show understanding and offer solutions that address their needs. This builds trust and reassures customers that you genuinely care about their well-being.
  • Go the Extra Mile: Provide exceptional service by going above and beyond expectations. Anticipate their needs and take proactive steps to meet them. This can be as simple as offering additional assistance or guidance.
  • Remember Past Conversations: If you’ve talked to them before, mention it to them. This shows that you are attentive and that you value the history of your relationship.

Remember, people buy from those they like and trust. Show genuine interest in their lives, interests, and concerns.

We can’t stress this enough.

Tip #4: Follow Your Selling Framework

Having a well-defined sales framework can boost your sales game a hundred times. 

It ensures you’re well-prepared before every sales call—so you’ll make less mistakes during the call. 

You can use our Needs-Based Selling Framework—an easy 7-step process that you can use to increase your chances of closing the deal—to up your sales game.

Tip #5: Get Them Saying “Yes, Yes” Early On

People tend to follow through on actions they verbally agree to. 

To move your sales call in the right direction, ask questions about your product or service that lead customers to say “yes.” 

It establishes a pattern of agreement and engagement.

It can be something simple like:

“If [XYZ problem] was solved in your business, do you think you’d have more customers?”

Remember to tailor it to each customer.

Tip #6: Build Trust Through Transparency

Transparency is the foundation of trust in any sales relationship. Or any kind of relationship for that matter.

Be upfront and honest with your customers. If there are limitations or potential drawbacks to your product or service, don’t hide them. 

Addressing concerns openly builds credibility and trust.

Tip #7: Handle Objections with Empathy

Objections are part of the sales process. 

And when your customers raise concerns or objections, approach them with empathy. Understand their perspective and respond thoughtfully. 

Often, handling objections are opportunities to provide further clarification—that means you can position your product more effectively if you handle it correctly.

Here are some examples:

Example 1: Price Concerns

Customer: “I like your product, but it’s a bit expensive. I’m not sure I can afford it.”

Response: “Totally get where you’re coming from. Budgets are no joke! Let’s chat about what you’re looking to get out of our product. By investing in it, you’re in for some awesome benefits like [highlight key benefits]. Plus, we’ve got flexible payment options and sometimes sweet deals that might make it easier on your wallet. How does that sound?”

Example 2: Confusion

Customer: “I’m not sure how your product differs from your competitor’s. Can you break it down for me?”

Response: “No problem at all! It can get confusing out there. Let me give you the lowdown with a side-by-side comparison, focusing on what sets us apart. Once we’re done, you’ll see why our product rocks. Cool if we dive into that together?”

Tip #8: Master the Art of Storytelling

Stories have a unique power to captivate and persuade. 

So if you can include stories in your sales pitches, do it. Your sales pitch will be more effective compared to not having a story.

You can share success stories or customer testimonials that showcase how your product or service has positively impacted others. 

It adds a relatable and memorable angle to your sales approach.

Tip #9: Create a Sense of Urgency

Customers are more likely to act when it’s urgent for them. 

Create limited-time offers, discounts, or special promotions to encourage prompt decision-making. 

Just be genuine and ensure that any urgency you convey is grounded in reality.

Tip #10: Overcome Price Objections with Value

Price objections are very common in sales. 

When customers question the cost, shift the focus to the value they’ll receive. 

Emphasize how your product or service will benefit them in the long run, potentially saving them time, money, or hassle.

Tip #11: Handle Rejection with Grace

Not every sales call will end in a successful close. 

And as a salesperson, it’s important to handle rejection gracefully. 

Who knows? This may not be the last time you hear from the objector. 

Always keep your composure and maintain professionalism. Thank the customer for their time, and leave the door open for future interactions. 

Rejection doesn’t necessarily mean the end of a sale.

Tip #12: Always Follow Up

After a sales call, send a personalized follow-up email or message. 

Express appreciation for their time, address any additional questions or concerns, and reiterate the value of your offering. 

Consistent follow-ups can lead to conversions down the road.

This Question Can Help You Double Your 1-Call Closes 

This one-question framework can increase your chances of closing a sale. 

Yes, you heard that right—a one question. 

The framework I’m about to show you is called “Permission, Reason Why, Question.”

Sounds impossible? Try the framework for yourself and watch as you close more deals. 

Step 1: Permission

The framework begins with a simple request for permission. 

Before asking the pivotal question, set the stage by asking, “Can I ask you a personal question?” 

This approach immediately signals to your prospect that you’re about to touch on something important and deserving of their attention.

Step 2: Reason Why

Once you’ve gained their permission, you have to provide context. 

Explain why you’re asking this personal question and how it aligns with their best interests. 

You can’t just expect them to answer a personal question. After all, it’s personal.

You have to reassure your prospects that you actually care about the answer. This step is essential in building trust and credibility that will pay off later on.

Step 3: Question

Now that you’ve asked for permission and given context, ask them this:

“What are the personal goals that you want your business to allow you to achieve?” 

Now, why this question?

Because usually, the answer that they will give you is the main reason they’re interested in your product/service.

And if you can get to the root of the issue, you’ll have better chances of closing the sale—because you can position your product as the solution to their main problem. 

It’s not a surface-level discussion, it dives into the emotions that affect their decisions.

The framework, known as “Permission, Reason Why, Question,” may appear simple, but you’re actually taking advantage of a strong psychological principle. 

This is rooted in the principle of consistency bias—people naturally want to match their actions with what they’ve said. 

When prospects express their goals, they’re more likely to remain committed to achieving them.

Close Your Sales Calls With Our Closing Strategies

Congratulations! You’re now a better salesperson than you were before you read this post. 

But you can only continue to get better if you put these closing strategies into practice. 

Don’t hesitate—start closing your sales calls with new knowledge and techniques. And as you master your craft, you’re well on your way to becoming a master closer in 2024.

But if you want a guide to closing more sales, then I have something for you.

A 4-step process on how to get into the remote closing industry in 30 days.

And the best part is: IT’S FREE! 

Just enter your email, and you’ll get a free course that’s worth $1000 dollars.

You can probably see it pop up while you are reading this.

So, don’t miss this opportunity to get into remote closing and have the knowledge that will take you to the next level!

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