Remote Closing Academy

01 – From Plumber to $20k Per Month Online | Remote Closing Academy Podcast


“All right, what’s going on guys, Aaron here back from the remote closing Academy, YouTube channel and also the first episode of the remote closing Academy podcast. So I’m super stoked for this episode because we recorded this and I kid you guys not, you’re gonna get a ton of value out of this, you’re gonna learn all about today’s guests story how he you know, with 10 kids, seven horses, you know, being able to build an entire business around remote closing, right? So he took a lot of the strategies and the different things that he learned from his past while also you know, simultaneously integrating a lot of the content a lot of the strategies that we taught him within the remote closing Academy to then just make that you know, that second season of his life within you know, more the remote sales world to make it as good as it can be. So without further ado, guys, we’re gonna jump into the episode a ton of nuggets, I would highly recommend to pull out a sheet of paper, take down some notes, because we went over a ton in this episode. So hope you guys enjoy. See you guys on the other side. Welcome to the podcast, and how’s how’s the day so far?”


“I gotta tell you today’s excellent, make connections, make moves. And I feel like a million bucks. And if it kind of sounds cheesy, but it’s like the top of the world feeling.”


“Good man. Yeah, I’m stoked to kind of dive into like your story and kind of where you come from and stuff. So let’s, you know, with that being said, let’s just kind of jump into it. You know, I always like to rewind the clocks when I you know, talk to people like this. And and really just get a more of like your background even like, before you got into sales, because, you know, obviously we were going to talk a lot about the sales side and the program, how you jumped in and things like that. But let’s just rewind the clock, like before we even got into sales, like what were you doing before, before all that?”


“Before all that? Well, you know, the very nitty gritty was I grew up really poor, like a lot of the nation today. On paper, I should not be where I’m at. But I hate to sound cocky. But because of me, I was able to really take the bull by the horns, that that bowl called life that wants to throw you in inevitably into the abyss that was able to really grab a hold of that and direct it to the goals that I wanted to achieve. So my background, yeah, really poor, did a lot of manual labor through for a lot of years, actually a plumber. And then I figured that there was a different way. For me and my lifestyle. 

There was a there was an actual turning point in my life where I went from grinding, daily carrying cast iron pipes, soldering joints, burning my arms and hands. And I turned, when we started adopting children, my wife and I made the decision that you know, we had a big house, our children are getting older, they’re moving out our biological children that we wanted to, like make a difference in the community. So we we became foster parents, and it was it was really my intention wasn’t changed the world. My intention as a foster parent was to light a spark to show a child that there’s a home in this country that the entire family meets at five o’clock and has dinner and discusses their day, and helps them you know, with whatever challenges, whether it be academic, or social and emotional issues that they’re having for the day. So it was just that spark. I absolutely fell in love with it. We started to adopt. We didn’t want babies babies kind of suck. And they stay up all night. You know, they’re really.”


I have three I’ve three under three right now. So I definitely, I feel that.


“Yeah. And we started off with a sibling group, three little boys. And, you know, I have an adoption from I think maybe eight years ago, I adopted a little boy and started off with a sibling group of three. And great little boys. You know, they all absolutely imperfectly perfect. Just, you know, good challenge, good challenges, you know, like a challenge that you want to have as a parent elected to have as a parent. Then inevitably, there was another baby. And then about a year later, there was another baby. And that first baby that I held in my arms was the the moment was the holding her through withdrawal and holding her through the struggles that she was going through the addictions. 

It changed my life. I said, I’m not going to work as a plumber, I’m not leaving my family, not, I’m not going to do this anymore. There has to be a way, I was drinking beer every night, you know, just try to cope with the muscle aches, and you know, just the stress of the job. And, you know, not all the people, but some of the people were difficult to work with. So I decided right then and there that this was the time in my life that I was going to make a change. And that’s when I, you know, I’ve always done sales kind of part time with the plumbing, you know, jewelry stores, plumbing parts and materials. And I got into sales, and I got outside sales. 

So I started selling roofs started selling gutters. For a big company around here, very good, very, very good big company, great owner, great staff. Just a real nice, tight community. There’s a lot of driving, there’s a lot out of the house, there’s a lot of, you know, being away from the family, which wasn’t my intention, my intention was, hey, I want to be closer to my family. But having such a big family you are holden to this responsibility of providing for that family. And you got to provide for yourself. Because if you can’t afford to put a suit on your back, if you can’t afford to put shoes on your feet, you can’t afford to provide for anybody. You have to be able to take care of yourself. So I was like, how am I going to do this? How am I going to figure this out? 

I said to myself, you know, let’s explore this, let’s see what the best options are. started, you know, like everybody else do a little bit of Google search, watch a whole bunch of videos on on YouTube, ran across quite a few influencers. Something about Cole really resonated with me. You know, like, he’s, he spoke the truth. And as you know, you know, I hate to keep bringing it up like a record on repeat, but as a parent, you know, when someone’s lying, you know, if someone’s your bullshit detectors, or, you know what I mean? And there was like this approach. And I started, I’m not the guy to do this. I am not the guy to click the Yes button. Here’s my credit card. Put me on the system. You know what I mean? For some jackwagon on the internet. It’s not me, you know what I mean? But there was something there, there was an underlying truth. That’s undeniable. I started implementing right away I dove right in. And I gave an inhuman amount of effort, watched, you know, hours of the of the training process, tried to deeply didn’t just watch it, rewind it, watch it again, understood it, you know, is this is this really what it is starting to understand that there’s a philosophy that there’s a system, there’s a method to this madness, that’s called sales. 

I’m starting to put all that together started implemented in my day to day instantly saw revenue increase, and just my day to day, outside sales get was able to land in just a few short weeks. I know this isn’t really, it doesn’t really apply to everybody. Okay. But I saw the beauty of this course be able to take you from an actual dud to a bonafide stud. You know what I mean? Like you were able to go from a zero, really cheesy, cheesy line go from a zero to hero, you know what I mean? But we were able to do that, you know, we were able to get get to get you to where you want to be and in my case, I was able to land a very good gig and a very reputable company with absolutely stellar bosses, and they compensate me very well for being an eighth class sales.”


“Dude, you get you literally gave me so much like you basically answered my first five questions just right off the bat. So dude, I love that story. And I do want to take a little bit of a step back though because there’s a couple of things that you mentioned that I think a lot of people would get what would take some you know take some some notes on like when you when you made that transition from let’s say like the I wouldn’t say nine to five but you know that doing more like the outside sales stuff into like the remote closing side of things.

 You know, I’m sure a lot of people are and I know when I was making the transition from nine to five into you know, something that was little bit more remote more commission based, like there was a lot of fear there. Right. So like how, you know, obviously the family is A huge motivator is the same thing with for me, right? I know that I had, you know, two kids on the way and it was like, I, there’s no, there’s no choice. It’s like I put in the work and provide for my family. And that’s it right? There wasn’t there was another side. So, you know, what, what was that? Outside of the family stuff? Like what do you think were some of those motivators or things that kind of kept you on the ball to make sure that like, you made your success inevitable.”


“So for me, and I gotta agree with you 100%, that you and I are in airplane. Okay, we’re 15,000 feet. Okay, the doors open up. I’m in a perfectly fricking good airplane brother. I’m on i My back is no parachute. But there’s a real serious ground on the other side. And I jumped, and I created my parachute. As I went down, I brought all this together is scary is leaving my nine to five to go into the RCA program and go 100% full remote, still jumping out of that perfectly good airplane, still, you know, scared to death, scared cat and all the way down. You know what I mean? And creating, believing in myself. Believing in the system, believing in the process helped me get past that to see a light at the end of the tunnel. And really you don’t, you don’t stop freaking out until yours securely planted in the gig. 

So you’re always freaking out. But that’s the same as when I left the very first plumbing company that I worked for, to go work for the second plumbing company that I worked for, for 16 years. You know what I mean? It was that still kind of scared cat Hey, this is a different color truck. Oh my god, new area, you know what I mean? Like that, like the same feeling. It’s this, the same feeling is if your business shuts down, if your company shuts down, if if your if your job just goes away, you break a leg and all of a sudden, your job as a as a line dancer, you can only have no more, you know what I mean? So like, it’s like, you know, it’s kind of one of these things that can happen will happen. But what I wanted to do, my goal was to build a more lucrative and more flexible and liquid space in the in any industry. 

Sales just happens to be my thing. I like sales, I feel comfortable around it. It takes a certain individual to be able to do that. It’s not made for everyone. It’s not tailor made for everybody. You have to be adventurous. But I wanted, I saw where we were trending, where we were going viral, where the market is leaning. You know, was it the quickest one to jump on? No, was I the last one to jump on? Definitely not. You know what I mean? But I’m kind of right here in the middle in the mix with everybody. And we are as consumers buying more online, we are more comfortable today than any other time in the history of this planet. Buying things without actually tangibly being being able to touch them, we want to buy, we want to have experiences over anything. So if I’m able to, you know, reach out and bridge that gap from what that customer wants to my product, which is what the customer needs, okay? And is going to complete that my job is to make those connections. My job is to bridge that gap. Very simple job, when you lay it out like that definitely need high quality educators to get you to be proficient at it. And you need to be able to, you know, pick gurus not saying calls a guru. I mean, he does get the beard. (laughing between speakers).”


“That’s the that’s one of the prerequisites, right. I think there’s a couple of things because like, you know, obviously, we talked about a lot about the story and but you did mention a couple of things about like, you know, even the, you know, bridging that gap, right, like a lot of within the training, I can hear a lot of what you’re saying like just some overlap between like, you know, the, you know, Cole talks a lot about like heaven Island versus hell Island, like where, like, where do we create that gap between those two things. So, you know, talking a little bit about some of the training stuff that you’ve you’ve gone through and you were talking about how you were able to even incorporate some of the training into the you know, the sales job you were doing before, what were some of your like, maybe like either favorite parts of the training or like biggest takeaways that you think that someone that is a salesperson right now could could really benefit from like any any major takeaways that you that you can remember specifically?”


“Absolutely. 100% No number one. Number one is when I came in here, he was like script but no script. I was like, What is this guy talking about? What is he talking about? What do you the My favorite movie was scripted? My favorite television show was scripted, every book, obviously, scripted, okay, everything that ever got a reaction from me besides like, organically but anything that I watched in media or whatever was all you know, scripted and what Cole really helped like this epiphany moment his eyes and pick me at the moment of epiphany. Yeah, so the the Epiphany, right was Cole explaining it to the point where it clicked in my head that this is a philosophy this is greater than any script. This is the tools internally, way beyond with any smoke and mirrors or any shiny object is going to get you. This is the brass tacks. This is what it’s all about. It’s about these core fundamental principles, mastering them and building on them. If you don’t have a good foundation, even your outdoor shithouse will fall. And I’m trying to build a skyscraper.”


“Love it, man. That’s, that’s super, super impactful. Because it’s not, you know, I think a lot of people try to, they try to focus a lot on like, you know, what are these like, massive, like, Game Changer things and even though you know, it has changed the game for you. It’s not anything that’s like, crazy profound, right? It’s just like, focus on the simple stuff that you know, that you need to anyway, but get become a master at that at that craft, even if it’s just the simple things. You know, I think we’ve talked a lot about like, you know, what were some of the good things, but like, what were maybe some of the, if you ran into any maybe like bottlenecks within like, either jumping into the program, or like any difficult parts that you found, we’re just like, man, like, what’s happening here, right? Like any any, like, any bottlenecks that hit that you might even, you know, someone that’s coming to the program might even like hit as well, like any, anything that you can think of?”


“To be honest, it’s so eloquently laid out, it is dummy proof. The biggest bottleneck for me was allocating time. So I did this between the hours of nine o’clock at night 930 When the kids went to bed, till like, one o’clock in the morning. Then I went to sleep and I woke up at six and you know, that had my daily walk my cup of coffee and went on did my thing. And I allocated that time that way. And I think that because I’m not too much of a night owl that was probably like the biggest hurdle. Um, but it’s more than just logging on to Kajabi. And in in going through some text and some Google Docs, and then, you know, hey, let me watch this video where every single last one of them hey, it’s cold here. You know, like, hey, it’s cold here is echoing in my head. 

But it’s, it’s, it’s way more than that. It’s, I can I know this is gonna sound cheesy man. But it’s a freaking family. It’s not a community. Cory is amazing. He’s a young guy. And I look at him like, he’s not even one of my peers, bro. He’s like one of my kids. You know what I mean? But he has this knowledge that’s just beyond his years. You know what I mean? And when he went to ascension and came back, it was like a different quarry. It was like a quarry that’s floating two inches above the ground and glowing questions like real high, high level questions, getting into the nitty gritty, breaking down sales calls, really. So the program helps you understand and define your problem areas. The community helps you fine tune and polish your presentation. handling objections before they even come across a building those action levels building the building that confidence that trust and security because as Cole said, we’re, we’re in the post trust era. You know what I mean? Like, nobody trusts anybody. It’s now more if necessary than ever to have that support, and to have that education, um, you basically got a PhD and making shit happen.”


“Yeah, yeah, I mean, I think like, it’s really cool because I’ve been a part of like, so many like programs in the past, whether it was like for my own, like, you know whether it was a coach, right? It’s funny story I used to like, I’ve known Cory for years. And he was actually his coach in one of the first programs like, that’s when I met him. I was like, I was a success coach in this old programs. But you know, to make that point is, and I think there’s, there’s a lot of people that like to say, like, oh, yeah, like, welcome to the family, or like, we’re building a community or a family, but it’s a completely other thing, like have the infrastructure in place, and like the people and the ones that are there to actually build it out as a family, you know. So So let’s, let’s talk a little bit about, you know, you come through RCA and, and you get landed in the gig. Obviously, we don’t have to go into like specifics, you know, specifically of the company or whatnot. But like, what I guess, what was your experience of coming to the program? You know, finding that gig, like, how did all that kind of come to come to fruition?”


“Okay, yeah, I obviously can’t go into too much. I have an NDA, you know what I mean? Um, but that process was scary fast. It was, it was comforting and scary fast. At the same time, I don’t know how else I could put it. But two oxymorons come crashing together. Scary, fast, super comforting. Hey, I’m actually going to make something of this. Damn, am I gonna make something of this, and they just collide, you know what I mean? It’s like the Hadron Collider is Earth, right? We’re just smashing some shit together really high speeds. If you want to take the time to slowly go through the course, takes time. So they go through the course, that’s where you’re at. If you want to put in the crazy amount of effort to really drive those growths quickly and efficiently, then do that. That’s you. There’s plenty of people on the side of this training that are kind of spontaneous. They just know in the back of their head, what it is what they’re going to do they they run like that. I’m on the other side of the spectrum. I believe that success success occurs when opportunity meets preparation. Okay, we’ve all heard that. That’s, it’s written on my wall. Do you know what I mean? So above my desk, is 1000 notes is rebuttal scripts, done it up at tools like pull out of my pocket? generalizations of Okay, so if we’re going down this road, getting back on track, get this going this way, ask these questions to get them back on track. This Socratic Method is it takes SPIN selling to a whole nother level. Okay, it really does. It really does. Um, did I kind of lose track of the initial question? Like, I feel like, there’s a part of it that I’m missing?”


“No, no, I was just, you know, wondering, overall, like, because we can’t talk too much about the specific opportunity. But you know, just how quickly everything came to fruition from like, just jumping in because, I mean, how long was it was it like a month when you from the time you came in until like getting that job? Because I remember, I think was like, it was like, six? Yeah, May 16, or something you made, like your intro video in the group. And then it was like, a couple days ago, it was just like, hey, got placed, you know, talking to my new, you know, to the new gig, so..”


“I didn’t even post that timely. waited a couple of days. They didn’t back out.”


“Yeah, yeah. Well, I mean, you seem to say you got the gig.”


“that’s all I got the gig. And I gotta tell you, it’s a really good company. It’s a really good business. The owners are. Third, how to say this without sounding weird. But there are guys that you can actually have a glass of Budweiser with. You could have a beer with these guys. Like they’re genuine dudes. They’re not above anybody. You know what I mean? They they’re approachable that you could you could talk to them. They’re not cocky. They’re they’re just like you and I. And they have a great product that has To get out to market, my job is bridging that bridging that product. You know what I mean? The the product is of course, okay, so So of course, the the greatest part about this is I was actually able to land with a company that has a course it has a product that not only is it marketable, but it’s 100%. Honest. It 100% works. 

There’s no smoke and mirrors. There’s no no shiny objects that you have to grab onto or, you know, like, that’s, that’s, that’s levitating you towards this. There’s one thing No, no, no, it’s brass tacks do this consistently. Bang, you’re on. And it’s also in the field that I like, we’re talking about business. You know what I mean? I am a, it’s my turn some people off, but I’m a libertarian, okay, I’m not a Republican, I’m not a Democrat. I believe that if you want to make change, you have to do it yourself. You have to do it for yourself. Okay. So, with that I am a business owner, I am an entrepreneur, I own my business. I have my stake in the ground and I take control of my destiny and future. I am not in a rudderless craft, I am heading to achieve my financial goals. My financial goals are high, the expectations of myself are high. And the the acceptability of bullshit is low. Okay, I’ve been the first one to bag and move on to the next one. But I think Biggie Smalls said wreck it, buy a new one. So that’s, that’s what I do you know what I mean? (laughter).”


“Yeah, man, no, there’s one one thing that you’ve been said in there that I want to get a little bit more more from Yan is like, or maybe even not just just making the point, because I think it’s super important is, I think a lot of people have like, when we’re talking about like, remote closing, right? Or were remote sales or high ticket sales, I think just the word sales is automatically gets like that, that negative, like, you know, use car salesmen like vibe, right? It’s like, anytime somebody hear sales, they’re like, no, like, I don’t want to, I don’t want to hear anything about that. 

But, you know, when you’re talking about, like, you know, the thing that you’re able to sell, right, and the course to help people, not only like implement and and know, but take action on but also like, see real results and make, like actual impact within their lives. Right? And that’s like, to me, you know, in the remote sales world, it becomes not even like not even a job at that point, right? It’s just like, you’re literally all you’re doing is helping people and you’re helping people as a byproduct, they’re making more money, you’re making more money. And it’s like, it’s It’s all perfect. It’s perfect song and dance to, you know, to really make it easy for you to wake up, right? You’re not going to a job that you hate every single day. You know?”


“Don’t mean to cut you off. Now. I think it’s good to put this point in here is that everything you have done since you were able to talk has been selling. It’s it’s it’s like this taboo concept that I just don’t understand. Is my beard gray. It bothers me because I’m old. You know what I mean? But you know what, I’m still good. I grow this. This gray beard. In honor an honor and in tribute to all my friends that died and were never able to grow a gray beard. You know what I mean? I got my hair dread. You’re gonna say that’s a that’s a bad thing. You know what I mean? Like, oh, dread. Oh, boy. I’m in sales man. I’m a Sales men. This is my profession. This is my craft. You know what I mean? If you don’t like sales for any taboo reason for for whatever it is, you’re then it’s not for you. That’s it. That’s what it is. Man. Like, oh, I couldn’t possibly do sales. What the heck do you think you’re doing behind the counter? TJ Maxx? you’re pedaling there were here at RCA. I’m pedaling me no matter what product I’m selling. I am selling myself my skill set my ability my wisdom my intelligence. My past history my experience my training every dollar I put in to me that’s what I’m selling. Why am I selling me to support my lifestyle? I couldn’t think of the money going into a better place than me.”


“Exactly. We can literally drop it’s my drop on on that one dude I have literally agree with with every single one of those points. It’s um, you know, if you don’t want to get into sales like then don’t save the commission for the rest of us. So so last few questions man like, so what would you and this is a question that I think you know what we’ll try to ask on Ever podcasts but like, what would you say to someone that let’s say they have gone through the, you know, the same cold a couple times and keep getting smacked with our ads? Right? Like, what would you say to someone that is on the fence of jumping in? Maybe they’re just like, you know, I don’t know if I should trust another guru? Or is this going to work? Or like, what would you say to that person to make them not not convinced them, but to let them know that it’s, it’s going to be the best choice for them?”


“Okay, one, what decisions have you been making in the, in the past that got you in the position that you are in today? Are you happy in the position that you are in today, if you’re happy in the position that you are in, then don’t take a single stroke forward, do not take a single step, stay where you are. If you feel like there is something better, something greater out there. And this is what resonates inside you. Don’t be weenie. Don’t be hesitant. Don’t be the one guy on the cliff overlooking the crystal blue waters, who refuses to jump in because you don’t know what’s underneath the glare. Okay? To probably if your revenue is not at the dollar amount, not where it needs to be, and you are struggling. And you’re, you’re really living paycheck to paycheck, and you can’t, you can’t afford to put shoes on your own feet.

 You know, you really need to take a hard look at and what you what you did to get there, and what you’re going to do to get out. And if you’re looking at other people, stop it, stop looking at other people stop looking at what they got, I believe that jealousy is actually kind of a good thing. You know what I mean? Because that guy in the shiny red Porsche down the street, or my buddy with the black Lamborghini? You know, what’s gonna, I want one of those, I don’t fit in them. I’m six foot three, or two or 30 pounds, you know what I mean? But I don’t fit in them. But I still want one, you know what I mean? 

But well, how am I going to get it, I’m going to make a better me, I’m going to make a more profitable, I’m gonna make a more sellable, I’m gonna make more tangible me. Um, if you’re on that, that ledge of of, you know, living paycheck to paycheck, you can’t put a down payment on a hot dog. That’s not going to change the 1%. Make decisions like the 1% I think that this goes, this is probably the most under underappreciated aspect of the whole thing. There’s reason why they’re 1% is because they make decisions that only 1% of us make the other 99% of us, rinse, wash, repeat, the same failing structure, the same failing principles that we’ve been implementing our entire lives. If you want to be the knight make the 99% choice make that clear, easy, you know, tangible choice. 

But life isn’t going to just present it so life is going to beat your ass man as Sisyphus, so he was condemned to a lifetime of of rolling a giant boulder up the hill struggle, struggle, struggle. His mindset is what’s changed the script up. He said, I’m going to make rolling this ball up the hill, my thing. I’m gonna find a way back down this hill faster than the last time I did it. I’m going to work different muscle groups, I’m going to have the body of Lepus so when the gods came back to look a sense of this, they were expecting to see a was miserable beat up old man, what they found was a lively muscular, just specimen. Rolling this damn ball up the hill with a smile on his face. 

So yeah, yeah, grab life by the goddamn horns, man. Are you going to be the dude that’s gonna sit back and be like, Oh, how come? How come I got you know? I got a three figure bank account means I got $101.01 Are you going to be the dude that looks at that and goes I got $101.01. How do I turn this into a million dollars? It’s about your perspective. It’s hard to get jaded. In RCA, it’s hard to get off your balance in RCA. When I first signed up, I got an email. Hey man, know yours. Scared. I’m not scared. Hey, man, you know, it can get challenging. Never got challenged. You know what I mean? I challenged myself. You know what I mean? I was like, how fast am I going to make this happen. But to know that you have that community out there, and you can see where other people might get a little wiggly. But when you’re driving that vehicle fast, and you hit those corners hard, you’re gonna get wiggly. This gives you the experience to correct this gives you the experience to keep yourselves pretty psyched up on the track. Too many analogies, was that good?”


“Dude, no so, so good. We get like it. I mean, I know I said it, it’s not gonna go but we can just drive it there. Like that was, like so so many different things. And it’s it’s analogies that for me, like when I when I first jumped into, you know, even my first program, I put the, I’ll never forget, Brian actually, it’s so funny how much overlap there is between some of us. But Brian, in 2016 2016 2017 sold me into one of you know, he owned a program before. And I trusted to do with literally the last money my bank account, like, I’ll never forget it, it was the day before Thanksgiving of 2016. And I told myself like this, the six was maybe the 22nd or something. And I needed to make money before the first of the next month because of you know, because of rent, basically. And it was it was literally putting the trust into him and knowing that, you know, he had my best interest in mind and, and making the leap. So he used a lot of analogies too. So so that’s that’s ultimately what got me in but But dude, like I said, I wanted to say just overall, I appreciate you jumping on here. You know, I think a lot of the stuff that we talked about will be able to help out a ton of people as they listen to the podcast as they watch the YouTube video. And before we end it though, any any just last last parting words just overall?”


“Through this growth. Through this development. I realized that you know you’re not in it by yourself. I cannot emphasize enough how much the community inside RCA helps you stay on track that helps it really holds you to the task. I don’t think that I would have when I post something on Facebook like hey man had my first thing inside the private group. When I post inside of the private group. There’s no I don’t have one post that has one like I don’t have one post that was ghosted. You know what I mean? There’s 50 6080 People thumbs up. Way to go, Well, hey, a lot of connections I FaceTime and talk to more people than you can shake a stick at connections that I’ve made online that a real tangible people your coaches I don’t know where you pull this pool from. But it’s some talent. It’s some talent. And Aaron It’s been a pleasure meeting you.”


“Thank you man. I appreciate you jumping on and for those of you that are listening to this podcast, whether it’s on the podcast app you know we’re growing it they’re also the YouTube channel so if you got any value out of this episode at all make sure to leave a like subscribe all that good stuff and and drop a a comment saying thanks to Jacob here because he dropped a lot of fire and knowledge for you guys in order to to take into you know your endeavors whether it is here with an RCA or or not. So down to the description, we’ll have all a bunch of other links that will lead to you know, learning more about the you know, remote closing Academy again, it’s usually just a video that you watch and if you just watch the video cool and you’ll learn some information there but you will have an option to to talk to us a little bit more about what it would like or be like to work with us and you heard it hear directly from Jacob he’s he’s had a pretty pretty decent experience if I do say so myself. So, um, that’s gonna do it for the first episode of the RCA podcast. You know, of course, subscribe everywhere that you hear podcasts and we’ll see you guys on the next episode Talk soon. Peace”

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